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Peach Is The New Pink | Color of the Year 2024

Mystic is a trend-driven farm and as such we consider ourselves flower lovers, mood boards, and Pinterest junkies, by heart. We love scouting trends and talking about color and emerging flower varieties.

Goyan Festival 2024

The Goyang – South Korea Festival

From April 26th to May 12th, Mystic and five other Ecuadorian farms are showcasing their exquisite blooms at Goyan Festival 2024, one of South Korea’s most prestigious flower exhibitions.

Expo Flores 2022

Mystic’s New Era was presented at the Expo Flor Ecuador 2022. Our stand revealed our essence and our vision as a company and how we project ourselves in this industry. A proud Ecuadorian company that brings a new sophisticated experience and inspires our clients, florist, and event planners all around the world.